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SMS: What’s Changing?
As side-by-side comparison of the current SMS methodology and the forthcoming approved changes that were announced in the November 20, 2024, Federal Register notice.
December 2024
(PDF, 1.9 MB)
CSA Prioritization Preview Public Q&A
This presentation was used during the webinars FMCSA hosted in March 2023 to answer the public’s questions about the CSA Prioritization Preview.
March 2023
(PDF, 67 KB)
HOS Visor Card – (Spanish)
This fact sheet summarizes the HOS regulations for passenger and property motor carriers (in Spanish).
November 2021
(PDF, 357 KB)
All HOS Fact Sheets (Spanish)
This is a compilation of all fact sheets about the hours of service final rule published on June 1, 2020 (in Spanish).
November 2021
(PDF, 1.2 MB)
SMS Methodology
Version 3.19 of the methodology aligns with the latest changes to violations recorded as part of the roadside inspection program
October 2024
(PPTX, 4.2 MB)
CSA Industry Briefing, Winter 2016
This briefing can be used by FMCSA/State Partners or motor carrier industry to educate others about the CSA program. The presentation reviews what CSA is and why change is needed.
January 2016
(PPTX, 2.0 MB)
Get Road Smart: Drivers and the CSA Program, Winter 2016
This PowerPoint presentation gives an overview of the CSA program and its impact to drivers and motor carriers.
January 2016
(PDF, 829 KB)
DSMS Methodology Version 3.0.5
Version 3.0.5 of the SMS includes violation updates to improve the consistency of roadside inspection data in our systems. These updates took effect in the SMS with the September 25, 2015 snapshot.
September 2015
(PDF, 2.1 MB)
Get Road Smart BASICs Visor Card
Get Road Smart about the BASICs with this visor card that is designed to fit easily in a driver’s truck. Order your laminated visor card by calling 1-877-254-5365.
March 2015
(PDF, 312 KB)
Get Road Smart about CSA: Pocket Cards
Drivers, Get Road Smart about the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program, and learn about our safety resources with this pocket-sized information card.
March 2015
(PDF, 200 KB)
Adjudicated Citations Factsheet
This factsheet is for the driver who has received a citation associated with a roadside inspection violation that has been dismissed in a judicial proceeding and wants to change his safety record. It covers the 2014 adjudicated citations policy and its impact.
August 2014
(PDF, 143 KB)
Adjudicated Citations Key Terms Glossary
This glossary lists key terms related to the 2014 adjudicated citations policy and their definitions. Some of the terms include adjudicated citation, conviction, court costs, fine, and DataQs.
August 2014
(PDF, 233 KB)
Just The Facts for Drivers Factsheet
This factsheet is a quick reference guide for drivers to help them Get Road Smart about their safety and compliance information and their carrier’s, too. It includes facts on PSP, the SMS, and DataQs.
August 2014
(PDF, 486 KB)
What Is CSA? Factsheet
This factsheet is a plain-language introduction to CSA and how it affects motor carriers and
drivers. It includes a brief introduction to the SMS and the BASICs.
June 2014
(PDF, 759 KB)
Warning Letter Factsheet
This factsheet gives guidance on what a motor carrier can do after receiving a warning
letter, including what happens next and tips on how to improve safety performance.
June 2014
(PDF, 454 KB)
Safety Performance and Compliance Factsheet
This factsheet explains what happens if a motor carrier doesn’t improve its safety
performance after it receives a warning letter, covering the different types of investigations.
June 2014
(PPTX, 6.3 MB)
Overview of FMCSA’s SMS Display Enhancements and New Adjudicated Citations Policy: Webinar Slides, August 2014
The webinar provided FMCSA public and industry partners with information about the final enhancements to the display of information on the SMSpublic website and outlined changes to the Agency’s MCMIS being implemented to improve uniformity in inspection violation data.
June 2014
(PPTX, 8.8 MB)
Safety Measurement System (SMS) Display Changes Industry Webinar, November 2013
Ths webinar was offered to industry stakeholders in November 2013. It provides an overview of the SMS Preview Website of the proposed SMS display changes.
December 2013
(PDF, 422 KB)
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Factsheet
This Vehicle Maintenance Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 2.6 MB)
FMCSA Data for Safety Stakeholders: Briefing Addendum
This briefing addendum provides information about FMCSA programs and data that may be of specific interest to safety stakeholders. It should be used as an addendum to the CSA Industry Briefing.
December 2012
(PDF, 976 KB)
Driver Pocketcard
This pocketcard was created to inform drivers about how CSA affects them. The printable card is meant to be small in size for convenience, fitting right into your pocket, and it prints on 8x11 paper with directions for easy cutting and folding.
December 2012
(PDF, 939 KB)
Driver Brochure
This brochure provides information about what drivers and carriers need to know about CSA! Just print it on 8x11 paper and fold it along the middle for easy-to-carry, informational material for you and your drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 912 KB)
Unsafe Driving BASIC Factsheet
This Unsafe Driving Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 504 KB)
Crash Indicator BASIC Factsheet
This Crash Indicator Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 512 KB)
Hazardous Materials (HM) Compliance BASIC Factsheet
This Hazardous Materials (HM) Compliance Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 354 KB)
Just the Facts about SMS
This factsheet offers important facts about CSA's Safety Measurement System.
December 2012
(PDF, 347 KB)
Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance BASIC Factsheet
This Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 355 KB)
Driver Fitness BASIC Factsheet
This Driver Fitness Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 390 KB)
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC Factsheet
This Controlled Substances/Alcohol Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) factsheet gives an overview of the BASIC for motor carriers and drivers.
December 2012
(PDF, 411 KB)
Crash Weighting Research Plan
This document is a summary of the Agency’s plans to conduct additional research and analysis to further explore the feasibility and possible approaches for creating and incorporating a crash weighting system into the Agency’s enforcement program.
July 2012
(PDF, 284 KB)
Police Accident Report (PAR) Coding Test
This document is the Agency’s initial study that tested the coding accuracy and consistency of police accident reports (PARs) as a potential source of information for determining a carrier’s role in crashes.
July 2012
(PDF, 2.0 MB)
FMCSA Data — Information for Safety Stakeholders
This factsheet identifies and clarifies all three of FMCSA’s publicly available data sources.
May 2012
(DOCX, 61 KB)
CSA FAQs and Answers
This MS Word file offers five pages of FAQs and two pages of phone numbers of the FMCSA State offices across U.S.. The FAQs discuss a wide range of topics about the SMS and what CSA is at a high level.
February 2011
(PDF, 94 KB)
Driver Safety Enforcement: What Motor Carriers Need to Know
What motor carriers need to know about driver safety enforcement.
(PDF, 676 KB)
Response to the MTA's Top Concerns
Read FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro’s June 8, 2010 response to the Minnesota Trucking Association’s (MTA) top concerns regarding the CSA program.
(PPTX, 5.2 MB)
CVSA Presentation: Lifecycle of a Roadside Inspection Violation, April 2013
Presentation given at the Commerical Vehicle Safety Alliance meeting in April 2013. The subject of the presentation was the Lifecycle of a Roadside Violation.
May 2013
(PPTX, 2.2 MB)
CSA: Proposed Changes to Improve on a Solid Foundation, June 2012
This presentation was given through a series of public webinars to educate industry about proposed enhancements to SMS.
July 2012
(PDF, 5.3 MB)
Evaluation of the CSA 2010 Operational Model Test
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today (August 31, 2011) released the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) independent evaluation of the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program’s Operational Model Test (Op-Model Test). UMTRI’s findings confirm that CSA substantially improves FMCSA’s enforcement and compliance model. The results confirm that the CSA model enables FMCSA and its State Partners to contact more commercial motor carriers earlier to correct safety problems and ensure compliance with safety regulations in order to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities related to commercial motor vehicles.
August 2011
(PDF, 73 KB)
FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro, Minnesota Trucking Association Annual Conference
As written remarks for FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro, Minnesota Trucking Association Annual Conference, August 4, 2010.
August 2010
Administrator Anne Ferro’s Opening Remarks
On June 23, 2010, FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro spoke before the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure about "CSA: Understanding FMCSA's New System of Motor Carrier Oversight." This video is the opening statement from her testimony.
June 2010
2009 Public Listening Sessions: CSA 2010 from a Motor Carrier and Driver Perspective
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) held its tenth Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) public listening session.
December 2009
(PDF, 10.6 MB)
2008 Public Listening Session: Roadside Uniformity Presentation
The 2008 CSA 2010 Listening Session took place on October 16, 2008, at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, VA. Approximately 70 participants representing industry, associations, law enforcement and government convened to hear CSA 2010 team leaders, including then FMCSA Administrator John H. Hill, give presentations about CSA 2010.
October 2008
(PDF, 15.4 MB)
2008 Public Listening Session: SMS & SFD Presentation
The 2008 CSA 2010 Listening Session took place on October 16, 2008, at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, VA. Approximatley 70 participants representing industry, associations, law enforcement and government convened to hear CSA 2010 team leaders, including then FMCSA Administrator John H. Hill, give presentations about CSA 2010.
October 2008