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CSA Website Features Safety Management Materials for Driver Fitness

April 04, 2013
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is focusing this week on the recently released Safety Management Cycle (SMC) for the Driver Fitness Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC). FMCSA’s Safety Investigators use this and other job aids every day to help motor carriers and drivers identify safety issues and find ways to improve. Now, these resources are available directly to carriers and drivers, too.

The SMC for the Driver Fitness BASIC suggests specific actions carriers can take to address and improve driver fitness problems. For example, a company could capture in the employment application all information required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to ensure the driver has the training, experience, and medical requirements for the job.

Learn more about these and other suggestions to help improve Driver Fitness. Download the SMC for the Driver Fitness BASIC today! ( Also, make sure you review the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to ensure you operate in full compliance of all current safety standards.

April 03, 2013

CSA Safety Measurement System (SMS) website updated

April 11, 2013

Spotlight on Carrier Resource for the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC